Musician Echolily has released a new single called ‘Under the Clocks (Stay)’ which enhances one’s love for life and the miracle of music

Echolily is one of those rare artists who come into your life without announcement. And never leaves. That’s what happened to us, and frankly, we love her all the more for it. This young, immensely talented woman, rocked our worlds with her brand new release, entitled rather appropriately “Under the Clocks (Stay)”. And the tune resonated with something so deeply embedded and thoroughly honest inside us that since then, we just can’t stop listening to this amazing track. It’s literally on repeat, and what we particularly love about it is that it never gets old.
You know how, with some songs, you listen to them one, two, ten times, but then after that, you’re kinda sick of them? That doesn’t happen with “Under the Clocks (Stay)”. Maybe it’s because of the echo chamber effect (since it was literally recorded in an echo chamber, true to the artist’s name). Maybe it’s Echolily’s hushed, sensual voice slithering into your earbuds and refusing to let go. Or maybe it’s the fact that with every new listen, you find another thing to hold on to. Another sound or fragment, or word that you just seem to understand a little bit better.
Echolily definitely isn’t one of those artists who scores one hit wonders, because her lyrics are just too complex for anything as mundane as that. Here is an artist who knows how to pull on your strings in just the right way to get into your head and never let go. She is a skilled lyricist, and an accomplished musician, and together, these two skills combine to create a powerfully unique track.
“Under the Clocks (Stay)” is a love song, but you don’t need to be in love to enjoy it. Or rather, you need to be in love with life, and with the miracle that is music, to appreciate the masterpiece this song is.
Stream ‘Under the Clocks’ here: