‘Always Becoming’ is the lush new E.P from ‘Melissa Grey’ & ‘David Morneau’ with ‘Robert Kirkbride’.
‘Always Becoming’ is the new E.P from Melissa Grey & David Morneau with Robert Kirkbride. Composer–producers Melissa Grey & David Morneau join forces with designer–musician Robert Kirkbride to weave Always Becoming, a sonic tapestry of sunshine pop and dreampop, propelled by Kirkbride’s harp-like guitars with Grey & Morneau’s crystalline orchestration and signature seductive beats.
Complementing the music are nine hand drawings and an essay on humanity’s tilted view of seasonal cycles by Kirkbride, whose work explores the interplay of memory, ornament, and placemaking. This music is designed to play in an endless loop.
Always Becoming releases on March 7, 2023. This is the second release in a series of EPs produced by Melissa Grey & David Morneau in collaboration with exceptional musicians and artists. Each installment is being developed through an expansive practice informed by elemental themes: time, space, nature, language, dance.